In This Issue
- End of Year Happenings
- Summer Learning 2024
- Curriculum Updates and Information
- Student Safety and Family Supports
- Planning for Next Year
- Online Registration for Next School Year
- Health Requirements for 2024 - 2025
- Student, School, and District Celebrations
- Congratulations to Our 2024 Retirees!
Eighth Grade Promotion Ceremonies for McHenry Middle School and Parkland School were held on Thursday, May 23rd. Congratulations to all of our 8th graders! District 15 wishes you all the best in high school and the years to come.
Please join us in getting your student(s) ready for the coming school year by exploring some of our exciting activities and digital programs this summer! Summer learning will conclude July 15th.
Look for the Summer Learning folder in McHenryConnects to start exploring! The activities are also available through our district website under the Summer Learning tab.
Summer Learning Opportunities:
Blast into Summer Learning (K-8) - Come explore our virtual learning experience! Blast into Summer Learning offers continuous learning opportunities, in both English and Spanish, aligned to grade level standards and can be completed daily at your convenience. This adventure offers 20 days of activities for students to explore.
For Kindergarten and First grade students, we are providing 20 days of summer learning in print. The printed version contains directions on pages 1 and 2 that will aid throughout the summer activities. These resources are also available on our website.
Please email all of your summer learning fun to summerlearning@d15.org for us to share on our social media platforms!
Trimester three progress reports will be available today at 4pm in Skyward Family Access (June 3rd for Landmark). To learn how to access these, please watch the short video below.
In addition, your student(s) recently completed both STAR math and STAR reading assessments for the third time this school year. Each academic year, all students in District 15 take these assessments three times (fall, winter, spring) to help teachers and administrators to make decisions that best meet the needs of each student. Your student's Spring STAR parent report will be sent home with them today, if it hasn't been sent home already.
Introducing Daybreak
District 15 is committed to the social, emotional and mental well-being of our students. Our district has partnered with Daybreak Health, a school-based mental health company, to offer teletherapy services to our students, ages 5+, with qualified mental health professionals. These services will be provided at no cost to families and will deliver mental health services to students in need.
Daybreak services are available to students age 5 and up. However, for students under the age of 10, Daybreak teletherapy services are provided with the parent/guardian and student. Students over age 10, can meet one-on-one with their mental health professional.
Daybreak has a curriculum designed to meet the mental health needs of students that is age appropriate. The evidence-based program is designed to help students understand their emotions, learn new skills and strategies to manage their symptoms, and learn how to transfer those skills into school, home and throughout their life.
To learn more about the curriculum:
All District 15 psychologists and social workers can refer a student and family to Daybreak. Parents and guardians are encouraged to reach out to your school psychologist, social worker or administrator to start mental health support through Daybreak for your student(s). Please note, Daybreak is mental health support for students, but is not appropriate for a student in crisis that needs immediate access to mental health care. Contact your school or our district office if you have any questions or need assistance.
Safe 2 Help
Safe2Help Illinois is a statewide resource that allows students to text or call a mental health professional. It also has a significant amount of resources for students and families on a variety of topics including bullying.
For more resources please visit our Student Safety and Family Supports section of our District 15 website.
We encourage anyone who is eligible to fill out a free/reduced meal application following July 1st to see if you qualify for this benefit. Free/reduced meal applications will be available after July 1st on the district website.
If your family is in need of nutritional support this summer, please call 1-866-3-HUNGRY or 1-877-8-HAMBRE (for Spanish) from Monday through Friday from 6am - 9pm. Additionally, you can visit the Find Food IL Community Food Map website for more resources.
Also, any student 18 and under can receive a complimentary boxed lunch provided by the Northern Illinois Food Bank at the McHenry Public Library, Monday-Friday from 12:00pm to 1:00 pm.
Summer EBT/SUN Bucks
Illinois is launching Summer EBT/SUN Bucks, this is a new permanent nutrition program authorized by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to help families buy food for their school-aged children over the summer. SUN Bucks 2024 will provide a $120 annual benefit starting this summer for eligible children via a debit card (Electronic Benefit Transfer/EBT) issued by the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS). McHenry SD 15 students who have participated in the free and reduced lunch program during the 2023-24 school year will automatically qualify for this benefit. A debit card will be mailed over the summer to the family’s home address on file with the district. (Note: If your child participates in the district’s free and reduced lunch program and your address has changed, please notify your child’s school as soon as possible.) For questions about Summer EBT benefits, please contact IDHS at (833) 621-0737 (customer help line) or visit the IDHS website. For additional information about the Summer EBT/SUN Bucks program, please visit the links below:
ISBE Summer EBT Program
Summer EBT Family Fact Sheet - ENGLISH
Summer EBT Family Fact Sheet - SPANISH
USDA Summer EBT Program
Online registration is now open for ALL students (except new PreK students) that will be attending a District 15 school during the 2024-2025 school year. For more information on how to complete the registration process, please visit the registration section of our website.
Please complete your student(s) online registration ASAP as it helps us plan bus routes and staffing.
The Illinois Department of Public Health requires a number of immunizations and exams before students can attend school in person in the State of Illinois. Parents are asked to please submit the following health records to their student’s Health Office at the school for the 2023-2024 school year prior to the first day of school. You may drop the forms off at school or submit them through our form submission portal: Medical Form Submissions. If you have any questions, please contact your school nurse.
Physical Exams: All students entering Preschool, Kindergarten, Sixth and first time students entering an Illinois school are required to have a current physical examination completed on the approved Certificate of Child Health Examination https://www.d15.org/Page/278.
Immunizations: All students must be current with all Illinois immunization requirements. Please refer to the Health Requirements posted in the Health Services section of the District 15 website or consult with your physician.
Dental/Vision Requirements: All students entering Kindergarten or students who are first time students entering an Illinois school must have a vision exam. In addition, students in kindergarten, second and sixth grade are required to submit a dental exam. To obtain these forms visit https://www.d15.org/Page/278.
We are excited to announce that McHenry District 15 has received the recognition of being named one of the Best Communities for Music Education by the National Association of Music Merchants. This is the fifth year in a row that our district has received this honor and we are lucky to have such amazing fine arts programs!
Landmark's Pollinator Garden
At a February Board of Education meeting, Landmark School discussed their Pollinator Garden that they planted 2 years ago and shared the many incredible ways they have utilized this with their students and staff!
MMS Olympics Winter Games
Congratulations to MMS athletes for their accomplishments at the Snow Shoe Olympics Winter Games. in February.
MMS - Carol Munn Recognition
Congratulations to MMS choir teacher, Mrs. Carol Munn, for her involvement in the American Choral Directors Association as a board member and author!
Hilltop School Post Office
At a March Board of Education meeting, we learned all about Hilltop School's post office where students learn how to write letters and deliver mail! They even wrote letters to the Board members!
MMS and Parkland - Wrestling Seasons
At an April Board of Education meeting, we recognized and celebrated the successful season that both MMS and Parkland’s wrestling teams had! Awesome job, Trojans and Vikings!
Spotlight Education
District 15 teacher, Alise Gaughan, was recently named a spotlight educator for the Illinois Resource Center! Congratulations Alise and thanks for all of your hard work and dedication!
MMS Band Program
We heard from MMS band teacher, Mrs. Leslie Paul, at a recent board meeting and learned about all of the wonderful things the band program does during the year! We also had the pleasure of hearing some talented students perform! Awesome job, MMS!
Parkland Track Team
At a Board of Education meeting earlier this month, we celebrated the successful track season that Parkland has had and recognized some of Parkland's state qualifying track players!
Seal Of Biliteracy
McHenry District 156 recently announced this year’s graduates who achieved the Seal of Biliteracy. The Seal of Biliteracy is a public recognition of graduating students who have demonstrated a high level of proficiency in English and one other language, in this case Spanish. Of the 20 students announced, 13 were former D15 EL students. We recognized some of these students at a Board of Education meeting earlier this month. Congratulations to these students on this amazing achievement!
First Annual Senior Warrior Walk
In collaboration with D156, we hosted our first annual Senior Warrior Walk. It was truly a success! Students and staff across all of our elementary schools smiled, cried, and shared in the celebration of what school and education is all about. It was absolutely a magical morning! Thanks for visiting, D156 Warriors and good luck on your next chapter!!
District 15 has an amazing set of educators and employees. We will miss all of our retirees but wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors. Please join us in congratulating our 2024 retirees!
Duker: Christine Clingingsmith
Edgebrook: Shari Clark, Anne Wrobel
McHenry Middle: Kim Shanahan, Joeleen Stanard, Mary Tonyan
Parkland: Mike Didier, Carla Hanrahan, Chrisann Smith
Riverwood: Carmen Anderson, Elizabeth Penn, Cheri Ryba, Sofia Spooner, Amy Tessler
Central Office: Lori LeBeau, Jody Pohlman, Brenda Tonyan, Rich Vannoy
D156 is partnering with Kids in Need (KIN) to bring a celebration of education for all students and their families on August 9th at Upper Campus. Food, music, games and resource information will be available between 4pm and 7pm on this special day. Also, school supplies are available for students in need of assistance. Click here to register!
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