Fred Talks Award

  • fred


    History of TED TALKS:
    TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). TED began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, and today covers almost all topics, from science to business to global issues, in more than 100 languages.

    D15 Staff Development Committee Announces:

    "Ideas worth sharing"

    Fred Talks 2015
    What is a FRED TALK?
    The FRED TALK is District 15's adaptation of the popular TED TALKS. Staff members are nominated by their colleagues for their ability to inspire change and motivate students not just to learn, but to make their learning memorable. 
    Below watch the most recent FRED TALK delivered by Katie Casey, Megan Young, Danielle Jaeger, and Nick Watson. Their FRED TALK highlights how technology has impacted and transformed the 21st century learning environment for students, staff and family. 
    If the Nominee Wins:
    1.They will be chosen to do a FRED TALK at the upcoming Choice Menu Conference
    2. The winners will be honored in front of district staff at the Choice Menu Conference
    3. The winners will be awarded and recognized at a district school board meeting