

    Contact Us:
    6515 W. Route 120
    McHenry, IL 60051
    Phone: (779) 244-1500
    Email: officevv@d15.org

    School Hours:
    Regular Day: 9:10am - 3:50pm
    Early Release Days: 9:10am - 2:10pm

    Office Hours:
    8:35am - 4:35pm

  •  Valley View

    Facebook Twitter Instagram





    Office Staff:
    Dawn Siebert
    Christine Lewis
    School Nurse
    Annette Snyder, RN

    Grades K - 5th




Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Amanda Cohn

Hello, Valley View Families!

As the principal of Valley View School, I’m so excited to welcome our students and their families to the 2023-2024 school year. I know it will be an amazing school year, and I am looking forward to working together so that all of our students grow and succeed.

Our dedicated teachers and support staff work hard to make Valley View School a place of friendship, collaboration, and exploration. Lessons in our classrooms focus on balancing academics along with social and emotional lessons. We want all of our Valley View kids to feel safe, valued, and supported, and it’s up to a team of us to ensure that happens each day.

I encourage you to be an active part of your child’s education. If I can be of any assistance in helping with that, please know that my door is always open to you. Whether you have questions, suggestions, or concerns about your child's achievements, please know that you can contact me directly, if you ever feel the need.

Let’s have a terrific school year!


Mrs. Amanda Cohn


Assistant Principal



Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Meghan Sharp

My name is Meghan Sharp, and I am entering my 7th year as Assistant Principal at Valley View School. I’m happy to welcome our Voyager students and families back to another school year.

It’s exciting to start another year working with students, parents, and staff members as we continue to learn and grow together. We have such a terrific family of people here at our school. I’m so proud to be a part of it all.

I echo Mrs. Cohn’s words that I strongly encourage parents to be a major, active part of their child’s education. Parents and teachers working and communicating together is a huge part of what makes the education process successful. I hope that I, too, can be an integral part of that with my relationships with our students and their families.

Please reach out to me if you need anything at all in regards to your child’s education, safety, or well-being. I’m happy to be a resource for you and your child here at school.


Mrs. Meghan Sharp