Illinois Assessment
- With the adoption of the New Illinois Learning Standards Incorporating the Common Core, the state has retired many of its old tests and replaced them with new, innovative assessments that will provide educators with reliable data to help guide instruction. Often aided by technological advances, these assessments will allow for students to better showcase their skills compared to the old, multiple-choice format.
- The Assessment Division of the Illinois State Board of Education is responsible for developing and administering tests that measure the performance of students and schools against the Illinois Learning Standards. The state assessment scores are used to measure adequate yearly progress (AYP) for all public schools. All students' scores are part of the AYP measure, including students with disabilities and limited English proficiency.
- Dr. Tony Sanders was named the State Superintendent in January of 2023. Prior to his arrival at ISBE, Dr. Sanders served as the superintendent of School District U-46, the second largest school district in Illinois, for nearly a decade. During his tenure at U-46, Dr. Sanders added full-day kindergarten for all students, grew the district’s dual language program, created a new alternative high school to reduce expulsions and better serve students in need of trauma-informed care, invested in a grow-your-own educator initiative, and improved the district’s financial standing, while overseeing a $660 million operating budget. He also was a fierce advocate for the implementation of Evidence-Based Funding to change Illinois’ public school funding structure and provide greater equity for students across Illinois.
Click here to access more assessment information and resources from the Illinois State Board of Education.