Improving Practice

  • Instructional Leadership Team - Members of this council include principals and assistant principals, special education administrators, bilingual administrators and the Director of Learning Services and Technology as well as the Assistant Superintendent for Learning Services.  This council is designed to explore the leader’s role in teaching and learning. Principal University serves as an extension to this team in which administrators work to enhance their leadership skills and practices. 


    Staff Development Council - Members of this council include a representative from each building (who may be a teacher or a member of the support staff), principals and/or assistant principals.  The purpose of this council is to plan and evaluate staff development for district employees.  The Assistant Superintendent of Learning Services and the Director of Learning Services and Technology chair this council.

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    RTI Task Force - Members of this task force include representatives from each building, which may include general education teachers, special education staff, and an administrator. The purpose of this Task Force is to implement the Response to Intervention model in order to improve District 15’s teaching and learning system.  The task force analyzes the use of data-based decision making and differentiated instruction for all students.


    EL Council - Members of this council include two representatives from each building (one mainstream staff member and one EL staff member), principals or assistant principals from the schools with the highest ESL population, and the Bilingual Coordinator. The purpose of this council is to advise the EL Department about the academic and social needs of the EL/Bilingual student.


    Mentor U - Mentor University (Mentor U) is a program that supplements our two-year Mentoring program. Each month, expert teachers present on designated topics of interest to the practice of teaching. Novice teachers are able to attend and ask questions. There are guiding questions for each session that help facilitate the time spent together. The sessions are videotaped so that teachers who are unable to attend are able to view sessions through our professional development website. Mentor U is just another way to support our teachers and continue valuable conversations about best practices.


    District 15 Mentor Program - The Illinois State Board of Education provides information that regulates a quality mentoring program. New teachers can benefit greatly from the expertise and guidance of experienced educators. As such, standards-based teacher mentoring programs are an important component of an educator's development, and critical to a comprehensive approach to educator effectiveness.