Presentation Archive 2015
The 2015 Choice Menu Conference featured over 50 different workshop choices throughout the day.
Please see the presentation notes from some of these workshops below:
ADHD - Information/Strategies for Teachers and Parents:
-This workshop will give information about ADHD from a teachers and parent perspective. It will give teachers strategies on how to help students with ADHD and their parents.
Assessing Your Assessments:
-Are your assessments really giving you insight to what your students know and don’t know? What does a high quality assessment look like? In this workshop we will examine what makes a high quality assessment and steps we can take to improve our own assessments.
Assessing your Assessments Casey Ten Bruin and Kris Stanek.pdf 3.71 MB (Last Modified on December 12, 2017) -
Can You Kahoot?
-Learn how to create fun and engaging quizzes, surveys and questions for your students with this easy-to-use online tool called Kahoot!
Class Dojo:
- -Teachers will explore and learn all about the different functions of this positive classroom management tool.
Criterion-Based Progress Monitoring:
-This session looks at criterion-based grading and how it can improve student growth, teacher instruction and communication of studetn's progress towards specific skills.
Do You Have Your Life In Order?
-This workshop discusses items that you and/or your loved ones should be aware of, working on and/or doing to prepare for the road of life.
Exciting World of Human Resources:
-To give an overview of FMLA and benefits that the district has to offer such as 403B, tuition reimbursement, retirement options and so much more!
Get In The Zones:
-You will get a brief overview of what students learn from the Zones of Regulation. This curriculum is designed to teach students to identify emotions and self-regulate.
Google it, Just a Little Bit:
-This workshop will explore all things Google. From creating and collaborating on documents to creating a private search engine for your students.
McHenry Public Library Teacher Outreach:
-This workshop explains what the local library has to offer educators.