About Our School

  • Landmark is designed around the following elements:

    • Continuous Learning Calendar
    • Integrated Thematic Curriculum
    • Looping Classrooms
    • Multiage Classrooms
    • Best Teaching Practices
    • Variety of Assessment
    • Parental Involvement via our LCO - Landmark Community Organization
    • Social Emotional Learning
    • Service Learning

    Continuous Learning Calendar (Year-round): Landmark's calendar reflects the same number of student attendance days as that of the other District 15 schools. However, time is divided differently. It includes four nine-week sessions, with vacations of two-three weeks between each session; the exception is our summer break which consists of approximately 6-7 weeks away from school.

    Integrated Thematic Curriculum: Content standards required by both state and district guidelines are embedded in school-wide thematic units that connect similar topics across different subject areas and grade levels.

    Looping Classrooms: Looping is the practice of moving groups of students up from one grade to the next with the same teacher.  It offers many benefits, such as building strong relationships with students and parents/families and enabling the teacher to develop a better understanding of each student’s needs.

    Multiage Classrooms: In the 2024-2025 school year, there will be three 4th/5th multi-age classrooms.  These classrooms will transition to looping classrooms in 2025/26 school year.  

    Best Teaching Practices: Using research-based teaching practices, Landmark staff employ a variety of techniques to meet our students' learning styles. A combination of direct instruction and independent practice can be found in each classroom, as teachers rely on multimedia resources, specialists, and a wide assortment of materials to meet each student's individual needs.

    Variety of Assessment: Assessment shapes Landmark's instruction. A variety of assessments reflect the child's individual growth. Some examples are collections of student work, performance-based models and self-evaluation. Formal reporting includes progress reports, teacher-family conferences and standardized tests.

    Parental Involvement: Parents are viewed as partners in the educational process and their support is seen as a key ingredient to Landmark's success. The LCO is the parent-staff organization that provides support in numerous ways, including: fundraising, family networking, classroom assistance, and providing student enrichment opportunities. 

    Social Emotional Learning: A variety of materials and methods are used to teach and reinforce responsible, respectful behavior towards adults and peers. Classroom meetings serve as a way to build a strong community. 

    Service Learning: Service Learning provides our students with an opportunity to become involved in and give back to our community.