The Bill Burke Award 2016




    What is it: Bill Burke worked in McHenry School District 15 for 16 years and was instrumental in bringing the middle school concept to the district as well as a key player in forming the year around calendar. Bill believed in high quality teaching and learning and strived for excellence in education. His positive attitude was contagious and sense of humor made fellow educators laugh around him. In honor of Bill Burke’s memory the Bill Burke Award is now created to support McHenry District 15 staff who share in Bill’s belief in the value of education.


    In recognition of Bill’s leadership on the McHenry Elementary Education Foundation, nominees should be staff members who support the mission of the Foundation:

    The mission of the McHenry Elementary Education Foundation is to promote the value of education. The foundation shall acquire and distribute resources, which enhance McHenry School District 15 education programs and projects and provide enriched educational opportunities for learners. The foundation will achieve its mission by directing support toward the following goals:


    • To promote development of students
    • To encourage employee innovation
    • To promote parent education
    • To encourage school/community partnerships


    bill bill1


    Winners: Each school will have one winner. The staff member with the most nominations will be awarded at the upcoming Choice Menu Conference on behalf of the Elementary Education Foundation.

    Winners for the 2016 Choice Menu Conference were:


    Duker - Mary Jane Kittl
    Edgebrook -Kim Koehn
    Hilltop- Julie Lindberg
    Landmark- Jessica Hodge
    MMS- Carol Munn
    Parkland- Missy Matuga
    Riverwood- Kathleen Morrow
    Valley View- Dawn Siebert


    Congratulations to the 2016 winners of the Bill Burke Award.


    View the Bill Burke Award presentation below: