FRED Talk Presentation 2015
What is a "FRED TALK?"
*We did not have a FRED TALK Presentation at the 2017 or 2016 Choice Menu Conference due to other important things going on in the world of education. Check back to see if this fun and exciting presentation will return to the 2018 Choice Menu Conference. Please view the 2015 FRED TALK Presentation below.
The Fred Talk is our version of the famous "TED Talk."
History of TED Talk: Ted is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). TED began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, and today covers almost all topics - from science to business to global issues - in more than 100 languages.This award is designed for staff members: who are inspiring change and show an amazing passion for learning and sharing their expertise. The 2015 FRED Talk's theme was technology in education.The winners: will be chosen to do a Fred Talk at the Choice Menu Conference and will be awarded and recognized at a district school board meeting.Past Winners: The 2015 Fred Talk winners were Katie Casey (Hilltop), Megan Young (Edgebrook), Nick Watson (Parkland), and Danielle Jaeger (Valley View). Congratulations to the four winners of the 2nd Annual FRED TALKS Award.-
Below you will find PowerPoints and additional information from this year's FRED TALK presenters:
Helpful Links:
-Carol Dweck's website on Mindset
-Carol Dweck's TED Talk
-Carol Dweck's interview on The One You Feed Podcast-
Please click below to see the entire 2015 FRED TALK presentation.