Welcome to M.A.D. Club! M.A.D. Club stands for Making A Difference. We are a group of 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students who believe in making healthy choices and helping others make healthy choices! We believe in promoting healthy lifestyles for our body and mind, and being accepting of everyone. This should be a place of belonging and making new friends. We do activities within the school and community to help others and promote camaraderie within the school. If we are in between projects, we enjoy playing board games together, doing puzzles, going for a walk together around school, etc.
We meet in Mrs. Andresen's room, the Health Classroom, across from the main gym.
Some of the activities and events we promote at MMS are:
- Unity Day - a day to unite against bullying and promote acceptance of everyone.
- Treats for Troops- donate Halloween candy to troops overseas. Work in collaboration with Dr. Conlon and Thompson.
- Make a Difference by helping teachers/staff
- Gift collection for families in need during the holidays...Toys for Teens.
- Stress management and physical activity.
- Organizing fundraisers for kids living with cancer in Illinois to benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of IL.
- Kindness Corner in the spring.....write inspiring messages on the sidewalks surrounding the school building.
Our projected meeting dates are listed below. If a date needs to change, there will be an announcement at school.
Meeting #: Dates for 2024-25:
1 Thursday, Sept. 5
2 Tuesday, Sept. 17
3 Thursday, Sept 19
4 Thursday, Sept. 26-cancelled- Mrs. A TN episodes
5 Tuesday, Oct. 1
6 Tuesday, Oct. 8
7 Thursday, Oct. 10
8 Monday, Oct. 28
9 Thursday, Nov. 7
10 Thursday, Nov. 21
11 Thursday, Dec. 5
12 Tuesday, Dec. 10
13 Thursday, Jan. 9
14 Thursday, Jan. 16
15 Tuesday, Feb. 4
16 Thursday, Feb. 20
17______ Thursday, April 10
18 Thursady, May 8