7 Red
Welcome to the 7 Red Team Website!
We are excited for the 2023-2024 school year and having your student on the 7 Red Team.
Below you will find your student's teachers and their contact information.
Mrs. Belyaev, Resource Assistant, kbelyaev@d15.org, 1-779-244-1619Ms. Campisano, Resource Teacher, rcampisano@d15.org, 1-779-244-1619Mrs. Devine, Social Studies Teacher, adevine@d15.org, 1-779-244-1623Mr. Kilchenman, Math Teacher, dkilchenman@d15.org, 1-779-244-1636Mrs. Tankiewicz, Language Arts Teacher, jtankiewicz@d15.org, 1-779-244-1665Mrs. Willems, Science Teacher, kwillems@d15.org, 1-779-244-1671