What is SHIELD Testing?

  • District 15 has partnered with the University of Illinois (SHIELD) to provide an optional weekly COVID-19 screening opportunity on-site for students and staff. 

    • The SHIELD test is a free, non-invasive diagnostic test for the COVID-19 virus conducted by collecting a saliva (spit) deposit in under five minutes, which provides results in 24 hours.
    • SHIELD testing was developed at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and has a sensitivity rate of 97% and an accuracy rate of 99%.
    • Individuals should not eat, drink or chew gum within 60 minutes of providing a saliva sample.
    • Access a FAQ from the University of Illinois SHIELD program here

    SHIELD is administering tests at each of our buildings weekly (please see the schedule below).



How to Opt-In to SHIELD Testing

  • Parents need to provide consent for their student to opt-in to the SHIELD testing program. If you would like to OPT-IN to the SHIELD saliva testing program please log in to Skyward Family Access and complete the 2021-22 COVID SHIELD Form for EACH of your students. For instructions on how to access and complete this form, please view the short video tutorial below. ROSTERS ARE UPDATED WEEKLY ON MONDAYS AND ONCE YOUR CHILD IS ROSTERED THEY CAN BEGIN TESTING RIGHT AWAY. 



    Spanish Tutorial

How to Opt-Out of SHIELD Testing

  • If you have previously opted your student(s) in to SHIELD testing and have decided you no longer want them to test, please fill out the online form opting your student(s) out. To learn how to do this, please watch the video below. 


    Please note rosters are uploaded once a week on Mondays (or the first working day of the week). If you register or make changes to your consent after Monday, the change won’t be reflected until the following week. If you need to make an immediate change to your consent, please email shield@d15.org with your student's name(s) and their home school.



    Spanish Tutorial

Creating an Account to View Test Results

  • If you have a student participating in SHIELD testing, please create an account in the SHIELD Parent Portal so you can check your student’s test results. The district encourages parents to check for results frequently, especially on weekends and during holiday breaks. You will receive notification of positive results from the District during school hours on the next school attendance day.  Results are available 24-48 hours after the test is administered. If your student receives a positive COVID-19 test, please keep them home from school and contact their primary care provider. 

    Creating an Account in the SHIELD IL Portal:
    Please CLICK HERE and enter the SHIELD Community Agency Code (df5brbrj) to create your Parent Portal account. Parents must first create an account for themselves and then add their students as dependents. When adding a rostered student as a dependent, the following information must match exactly the value entered in the patient roster:

    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Date of Birth
    • Student’s District 15 Email Address

    Portal Website: Portal.shieldillinois.com
    SHIELD Community Agency Code: df5brbrj  

    If you do not know your student’s District 15 email address that information can easily be obtained through Skyward Family Access. Log in with your Skyward Family Access credentials and click on the 'Student Info' tab (see the image below).

    Student Email Address

    After adding your student(s) as a dependent, you will be able to view their test results. For more detailed instructions please click here or watch the short video tutorial below.




    If you have any issues accessing the Parent Portal or viewing results, please call the SHIELD Illinois Patient Help Line at (217) 265-6059.