ONE-TIME COVID-19 Self-Certification Survey
McHenry School District 15 seeks to maintain a safe environment during the 2021-2022 school year for employees, students, and the school community in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Public health guidance currently requires schools to exclude students from school based on certain COVID-19 symptoms and/or “close contacts” with a known COVID-19 case. To comply with this requirement and to ensure a safe environment for all students and staff, parents/guardians are asked to certify that prior to their student utilizing District transportation and/or entering a District building each day during the 2021-2022 school year, they have confirmed that their student(s):
-Has not been diagnosed with and/or tested positive for COVID-19 or a variant within the last 14 days;
-Does not currently have a temperature greater than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit;
-Does not currently have known symptoms of COVID-19, such as fever, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, fatigue, muscle and body aches, headache, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, vomiting, or diarrhea; and
-Is not quarantined due to being in “close contact” (within 6 feet for 15 minutes or more) with a known positive case of COVID-19 or a variant.
By sending your student on District transportation and/or to a school on any given day, you are certifying that your student has received a daily symptom screening and satisfies all the criteria above. If your student does not meet all the criteria above, you will notify the school of your student’s absence and the reason for the absence.Please complete this certification form prior to the start of the school year for EACH of your students that attend a District 15 school.
CLICK HERE to complete the form!