• Welcome to the 2021-2022 school year! The beginning of a new school year is such an exciting time. It is filled with so much hope and promise and symbolizes a fresh start, a clean slate, and unending possibilities. Lockers and desks are clean, hallways are freshly waxed, notebooks and folders are organized, and pencils are sharpened. It is a great atmosphere that energizes all of us. We can’t wait to greet all of our students next week, and we hope you and your children are as excited as we are to start this new school term.

    While we begin this year with enthusiasm, we acknowledge the challenging year that folks had last year. From almost every facet of learning, educators, parents, and students faced seemingly endless challenges with few, if any, reprieves. Throughout the challenging past 18 months or so, we have been amazed over and over at the resilience and perseverance displayed by the staff, students, and families of District 15, and we know the challenges that we faced were primarily overcome because of the strong community that we have.

    As always, thank you for your partnership and involvement in your student's education. McHenry is a strong community filled with phenomenal educators, supportive and caring families, a dedicated Board of Education, and the brightest students around. As we navigated through a challenging 2020-2021 school year together, we will do so again for the 2021-2022 school year. We are confident that collectively there is nothing we can’t accomplish.

    Thank you and we look forward to a great start to the new school year!