Summer Learning 2021

  • Summer Learning

    District 15 is committed to providing ongoing learning opportunities for all of our students and families during the summer months. As we have learned over the past academic year, learning could and should happen via multiple avenues and there really is no ‘one size fits all’ optimal learning environment. That’s why this summer we wanted to provide a wide variety of experiences for our District 15 learning community.

    D15 goals include:
    • Allowing for flexibility of our learning communities personal schedules;
    • Offering a variety of pedagogies to connect with all types of learners at all grade levels;
    • Emphasis on key math and literacy concepts that will support learners in preparation for the next school year;
    • Community partnerships for shared learning opportunities;
    • Equitable access to physical and digital resources;
    • Incorporating best practice research into all summer programs.


