Bus Route Information

  • *****Your student’s OTHER ID# has been setup as your USER ID and PASSWORD for the My Stop App and viewing your Bus Route information*****



    1. Go to ELink  https://versatransweb06.tylertech.com/mchenrysd15/elinkrp/login.aspx
    2. Enter USERNAME and PASSWORD
    3. Click on Work with Students
    4. Click on View My Students
    5. Click on Student Name

    Please Note: The information available in this system is constantly updated 

    To locate the OTHER ID number and view bus pass within Skyward click below

    Family Access/Skyward.




    • Download app: Versatrans My Stop
    • Allow app to access location
    • App will offer to find local school districts
    • Choose McHenry Community Consolidated School District #15 & HSD #156 (IL)
    • Enter login and password (your student’s OTHER ID# for both)
    • Map of your child's bus route should appear

    You will be able to see where the bus is, the route the bus is supposed to take, and also the estimated time of pick up and drop off for your student. This will help in reducing the number of phone calls asking where the bus is. 

    If you have questions or concerns, please contact the  
    Transportation Department at (779)-244-1090 or email them at troffice@d15.org.