Meet the Teachers




    Email is probably the fastest and easiest way to contact us.  Below we have provided our email addresses as well as our contact information and a little information on each of our classes.  

    Lisa LeStarge - Math    
    Carrie Quinn- Science      
    Geoff Blake- Social Studies      
    Courtney Prais- Language Arts   
    Carrie Villacres-resource teacher
    Cori Ullmann- resource assistant  

Phone: 779-244-1700 Ext. 1740


Degrees and Certifications:

BA - Northern Illinois University MA - St. Xavier University

Mrs. Lisa LeStarge

This is my 23rd year teaching here at Parkland.  Previously, I was a 6th grade math and science teacher.  This year I will be the new Math teacher on the 8 Blue Team.  District 15 will continue to utilize the MGH Reveal program as our primary math resource. Please be patient as I will be learning the new curriculum along with the students.  There are two levels of math in 8th grade: Algebra and Integrated Math.   Aside from teaching, I am also one of the Cheer coaches, Soccer Club supervisors, and Homework Help supervisors.  Please feel free to contact me with any additional questions or concerns.  



Phone: 779-244-1700 x1751


Degrees and Certifications:

BA - SIU/education MA - St. Xavier /curriculum and instruction Licensed cosmetologist

Mrs. Carrie Quinn

Hi! I am the 8 Blue Science teacher! This is my 29th year teaching here at Parkland.  I live in Lake in the Hills with my husband, my 19 year old daughter and 17 year old son. I want to take this opportunity to tell you a little about science class.   I am planning on doing one larger project this year along with some smaller ones. Students will also present the information to their classmates. The curriculum is aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards. In 8th grade, we study matter, adaptations, and weather. If you have any questions or concerns, please email me.  Thank you for your support throughout the school year. I am sure we will all learn a lot this year!

Phone: 779-244-1700 Ext. 1778


Degrees and Certifications:

BA--Secondary Education and English Literature, Lake Forest College

Ms. Courtney Prais

Hi everyone! I am the 8 Blue Language Arts teacher. This is my fifth year teaching--I am still learning and growing, but I absolutely love my family at Parkland School. I currently live in my hometown, Round Lake, with my family and my cat, Tangerine. In LA this year, we will be utilizing an online curriculum called StudySync. We will also be reading one whole-class novel, The Outsiders, and practicing a broad range of skills this year, including writing, reading comprehension, close analysis, and speaking and listening. We encourage all students to practice their independent reading skills and have a book with them to read when they get a chance during the day. Please do not hesitate to reach out with questions or concerns--communication is key! I cannot wait to get to know all of you! 

Phone: 779-244-1700 ext.1716


Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Geoff Blake

Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year!  My name is Mr. Blake and I am the social studies teacher on our team.  This is my 22nd year of teaching.  I have been here at Parkland for 21 years.  My wife and I live in McHenry with our three children.  We have a daughter and a son at the high school and our youngest son will be a seventh grader this year here at Parkland.  This year in class we will study U.S. History from the Civil War through present day.  This will inculde topics such as WWI, WWII, Vietnam and the Civil Rights movement.  I look forward to a fun and challenging school year!

Phone: 779/244-1600


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Science in Special Education from Northeastern Illinois University Master of Arts in Curriculum Development from North Park University Master of Arts in Educational Leadership from Concordia University

Ms. Villacres


I am excited to join the 8 Blue team again this year for my 24th and last year in the district. In my position, I teach math and LA. I also oversee the IEP modifications and accommodations that take place in the general education classrooms. I provide individualized remediation and support to students during our enrichment and SAT periods. When I'm not working, I care for my spoiled dog Ernie, spend time with my family, craft, hike, and read. Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.  I look forward to getting to know you this year!



Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Cori Ullmann